There's good news for many who are disappointed in either the size or performance of their penis. Penis enhancement pills are hitting the shelves in record numbers. The bad news is that many of these brands are also being removed by the FDA for containing controlled medical substances, or toxins and contaminants which change the effectiveness of the supplement itself.
The question of whether or not these pills really work is totally dependent upon the desired effect. Increasing the physical size of the penis is very different than improving over-all energy, sexual performance, or the time for which an erection lasts.
Although many of these products seem new, Penis enhancement pills usually contain herbs and extracts which have been shown to improve performance for thousands of years. Rarely increasing the physical size of the penis, herbs like “horny goat weed” were discovered, as the name implies, by shepherds who observed increased sexual activity among their flock upon eating the weed in question.
The bad news is that much evidence, like the aforementioned example is either anecdotal or psychological. For many consumers, this may be enough evidence to at least try penis enhancement pills, but for others clinical trials are required. You should always approach a daily supplement with a modicum of critical thinking, especially if you expect any real results. In the are of erectile dysfunction, prescription drugs are king, providing real results for millions of men.
In the case of herbal supplements, there is also plenty of support. For example, horny goat weed has indeed shown increases in the size and stamina of erections in rats, mice, and rabbits. The problem is that many over-the-counter penis enhancement pills also contain contaminants, or follow poor purification practices. These practices would never be tolerated in the medical community, due to the oversight of the Federal Drug Administration. In order to be sure that your supplement is indeed free of contaminants, toxins, or controlled substances, check first with the FDA.
Many men are not concerned, and crave only the effects of their chosen penis enhancement pills. Whether these effects are real or imagined, the gains for some mean are seen to be invaluable, and not subject to the scrutiny of government organizations. One strategy for men seeking Penis Enhancement Pills is to separate the ingredients of popular brands, then find pure sources of the ingredients separately. For example, the herb “horny goat weed” is widely available on grocery store shelves in the energy section of the supplement aisle.
The question of whether or not these pills really work is totally dependent upon the desired effect. Increasing the physical size of the penis is very different than improving over-all energy, sexual performance, or the time for which an erection lasts.
Although many of these products seem new, Penis enhancement pills usually contain herbs and extracts which have been shown to improve performance for thousands of years. Rarely increasing the physical size of the penis, herbs like “horny goat weed” were discovered, as the name implies, by shepherds who observed increased sexual activity among their flock upon eating the weed in question.
The bad news is that much evidence, like the aforementioned example is either anecdotal or psychological. For many consumers, this may be enough evidence to at least try penis enhancement pills, but for others clinical trials are required. You should always approach a daily supplement with a modicum of critical thinking, especially if you expect any real results. In the are of erectile dysfunction, prescription drugs are king, providing real results for millions of men.
In the case of herbal supplements, there is also plenty of support. For example, horny goat weed has indeed shown increases in the size and stamina of erections in rats, mice, and rabbits. The problem is that many over-the-counter penis enhancement pills also contain contaminants, or follow poor purification practices. These practices would never be tolerated in the medical community, due to the oversight of the Federal Drug Administration. In order to be sure that your supplement is indeed free of contaminants, toxins, or controlled substances, check first with the FDA.
Many men are not concerned, and crave only the effects of their chosen penis enhancement pills. Whether these effects are real or imagined, the gains for some mean are seen to be invaluable, and not subject to the scrutiny of government organizations. One strategy for men seeking Penis Enhancement Pills is to separate the ingredients of popular brands, then find pure sources of the ingredients separately. For example, the herb “horny goat weed” is widely available on grocery store shelves in the energy section of the supplement aisle.
Your blog has very nice design. I found useful information related to penis enhancement pills in this article.